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Be Payment Ready with EMV & NFC Payment Ready POS

AST POS and Moneris offers a complete Restaurant, Retail System.

Will it cost more to process a chip card transaction?
Standard merchant services fees and charges apply to all transactions including chip card transactions. Refer to your
Pricing Schedule for details.
Can I still process magnetic stripe cards after I have upgraded to EMV?
Yes, your terminal will still allow you to swipe a magnetic stripe card to process transactions. You will however need to
insert all chip cards into the slot of the terminal after your upgrade.
Do I have to use the chip to process transactions?
Yes, you will need to insert all chip cards after you have upgraded to an EMV terminal. If you swipe a chip card your terminal
will prompt you to insert the card. The terminal prompts are very easy to follow and will guide you through your transaction.
What if the chip card fails (does not work)?
If the chip card does not work when inserted, the transaction can be processed by swiping the magnetic stripe. If this does
not work, request another form of payment.
Is a signature required with a chip card transaction?
Cardholder verification can vary and the terminal will prompt the cardholder and merchant when a signature or a PIN is
required. When a signature is required, the receipt will print out a signature line and a signature must be obtained.
What are the benefits of accepting chip cards?
Increased Security - Chip cards oer a more secure way to process card transactions. The secure embedded microchip
contains security data and software, and provides greater security.
Reduction in Fraud - The chip security makes it more dicult to fraudulently copy the details of the card. Accepting chip
cards reduces your risk of processing a counterfeit, lost, or stolen card transaction and being subject to a chargeback.
What if I don’t want to convert to EMV?
As of October 1, 2015, if a merchant is not ready to accept EMV cards, the liability for fraudulent non-EMV transactions could shift from card issuers to merchants.

Chip cards, also commonly referred to as ‘smart cards’, ‘chip and PIN cards’ or ‘chip and Signature cards’ contain an embedded microchip
rather than just the standard magnetic stripe. This chip allows for more functionality (including security data and software) compared
to the magnetic stripe, which only stores data.
You may have noticed some customers already have chip cards as they are widely used across Europe, Asia and Canada. Banks in the
USA are currently introducing chip cards and they will become more common over the coming months.
The chip is generally located on the left hand side, on the front of the card.
Credit card fraud has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. In fact, the U.S. experiences $8.5 billion in annual fraudulent credit card
transactions. To combat fraud and increase security, EMV and chip cards are being introduced into the U.S.
The reduction in fraud to businesses that have converted to EMV has been signicant.
To name just a few cases:
Losses at U.K. retailers have fallen 67% since 2004. Lost and stolen card fraud fell by
58% between 2004 and 2009 according to the UK Cards Association.
Since the roll-out began in Canada losses from debit card skimming from CAD $142M
in 2009 to CAD $38.5M in 2012 according to Interac Association.
EMV stands for Europay, MasterCard and Visa, a set of international
standards created by the credit card association.
EMV is a joint eort initially conceived to ensure worldwide
interoperability and provides a more secure system for card payments.
EMV chip cards store payment information in a secure embedded microchip that assigns a unique
code using dynamic data during the authentication process, every time a customer uses their card. Unlike a magnetic stripe card, it is
virtually impossible to create a counterfeit EMV card that can be used to conduct an EMV card present payment transaction
As EMV use expands and more users move away from the magnetic stripe to chip only cards, merchants that have not converted may
nd they are turning away business. U.S. merchants are not required to support chip processing. However, there are key advantages to
those who convert.

  • EMV Enabled Not EMV Enabled
  • Fraud Reduced and less likely
  • Occurs more frequently and is
  • more likely
  • Card Data Security
  • High and cardholder information
  • is safer
  • Low and cardholder information
  • can be stolen
  • Counterfeit Cards Less likely and difficult to produce Easily produced and reproduced
  • Merchant Liability
  • No shift in Liability for fraudulent
  • card transactions for card-present
  • purchases*
  • Could be Liable for fraudulent
  • card transactions for card-present
  • purchases*


  1. When performing an EMV chip card transaction, insert the card into the Smart Card Reader slot with the chip contact facing upward
  2.  Leave the chip card in the slot until the transaction is completed and the terminal prompts you to remove it
  3. The terminal will guide you through the transaction process – simply follow the on-screen prompts
  4. When processing a transaction you may or may not want to include a tip, below are instructions on how to perform a tip and non-tip transaction
  5.  Remove the chip card when the terminal prompts that the transaction is complete


  1. Begin the purchase transaction
  2. Check for the Chip
  3. Insert the Chip Card when prompted (IMPORTANT: DO NOT remove the card until prompted)
  4.  Follow the prompts
  5. Remove the Chip Card when prompted
  6. Transaction is complete

If you would like to use the tipping functionality you will need to turn on the EMV tipping functionality.
To turn it on your terminal needs to be set to 1 on the le which is Tip after sale (in the terminal options it is called ‘Std Tip Only’).
In the terminal you will need to make sure the option called ‘Bypass Tip’ is set to o.

  1. Begin the purchase transaction
  2. Check for the Chip
  3. Insert the Chip Card when prompted (IMPORTANT: DO NOT remove the card until prompted)
  4. Follow the prompts (The terminal will ask for sale amount and then will ask Tip Required.) To input you will need to answer yes to add the tip right away
  5. Remove the Chip Card when prompted
  6. Transaction is complete


1. EMV cards require you to add the TIP to the “Final Sale” while card is still in the terminal. This is because once you remove the card adjustments can not be made.

2. EMV cards when processed as Pre-Auth amount can add the TIP with Capture or Settle Function, the option is available on the latest software release as of April 2016.


Sign up Now for FREE Rate Comparison and $200 OFF Ingenico IPP-320 with Swipe, EMV and NFC Ready device Exclusive limited 30 Days offer from AST POS and Moneris Solutions Inc. 

This limited time offer is valid ONLY for New applications or existing AST – Moneris merchants. Offer expires 30th May 2016

For more information, and to make your quick move to be EMV Ready, Call AST POS at 1-888-975-1118  e-mail us at sales@astpos.com

®MONERIS and MONERIS & Design are registered trademarks of Moneris Solutions Inc. EMV is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries, and MONERIS BE PAYMENT READY & Design is a trademark of Moneris Solutions Inc. All copyrights and trademarks are sole property of the respective owners.


  • General Inquiry925-417-0762
  • Sales888-975-1118 ext 1
  • Support888-975-1118 ext 2
  • After hours Elite Support888-975-1118 ext 3

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  • Monday: 9:00 AM-6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM-6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM-6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM-6:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM-6:00 PM
  • Saturday: 11:00 AM-3:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

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