EMV | Linux POS | Affordable | Secure | Reliable | Modern – Since 2005 

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We have created and perfected our software based on working closely with all types of restaurants and standing beside them. We have since delivered to 1800+ restaurants merchants nation wide and globally who have made valuable suggestions and feedback. Software is a never ending journey of refinements and enhancements with addition of several innovative tools to be brought to you for your command center, the POS. We pioneer and love what we do in terms of software, hardware, networking, support, and consulting.

Nearly after a decade of serving various different and diverse restaurant owners and management, it has enabled us to adapt to their feature requirements. We empower you to do-it-yourself. If and when you need us, we will do it for you and we are even happy to train and equip your favorite local support technician with the resources necessary to keep you transacting your business without a hitch at all times.

List of New Updates and Features:


February 2016:

  1. Online ordering connected with Vigore software
  2. Aura Analytics for remote access
  3. Self-Ordering Kiosks working with Vigore software
  4. Itemization and Recall on KDS (Kitchen Display System)
  5. Itemization and mod added to Epic POS

January 2016 :

  1. Joined with Velocity Payment Systems to provide our clients with EMV solutions 
  2. Tips function added to EMV solution so you can add tips later

December 2015:

  1. Joined forces with Heartland Payment Systems to provide our clients with EMV solutions

October 2015:

  1. Joined forces with Moneris Solutions: Debit and Credit Card Payment Processing to provide our clients with EMV solutions

August 2015:

  1. Options provided under negative price open item to select discount percentage to subtotal
  2. Password protection for Negative price comps and Discounts.

July 2015:

  1. Rounding Off button provided on Cart to round up the dollar amount with customer consent.
  2. Nearest rounding off factor value may be changed internally as per need.
  3. Dollar value of ‘ROUNDING OFF’  item will be changed dynamically as items are added or deleted from an order and will work at reorder as well.
  4. Printing at item cancel disabled
  5. Settings provided to turn off Tip Line on receipt print internally
  6. GL ID and DIV fields added to Revenue Groups under Configure Menu
  7. Minimum points for loyalty redeem made functional in the Loyalty module. Also Redeem will be functional only when the Total amount is greater than or equal to a certain minimum value which can be changed from the back end.
  8. Loyalty option removed from Split Tender.
  9. Itemized printing at Split Tender.
  10. Fix for Price Change on Open Items.
  11. Centralized Loyalty on the basis of centralized gift card parameters.
  12. Option provided to remove check payment entry from Opening and Closing cash drawer
  13. Enable search loyalty customer using Card Number.
  14. Loyalty redeem to subtract only a certain number of points from the total loyalty points each time.
  15. Item Cancel Details block in daily close will be showing correct amount in case of open item

June 2015:

  1. More than one item can not be selected for Parking Client
  2. Item can not be selected without Item Identifier if item is enabled for the same.
  3. Item Identifier will be saved as TOKEN and will be shown and printed at all places as a token, including order view
  4. Removed TO-GO for parking client from Unpaid Order details
  5. Removed House Account/Promo for all
  6. Not to show delivery type on voids for parking client only
  7. Gratuity to change when the items are voided or canceled from an order
  8. Update to pull History Report based on Payment Time instead of Order Time so that Daily Close Report and History Report numbers match.
  9. Penny rounding issue fixed in all places
  10. History Report individual blocks from the payment time instead of order time and date.
  11.  Charge Amount label at card swipe dialog irrespective of gateway type.
  12. Refresh db connection changes reverted
  13. Split dine-in order will show the TIPS for the server and not the cashier.
  14. Printing on Exact Cash and Credit Card charge from new quick serve cart.
  15. Three different cart types added to Quick Service: Mini Retail, Quick Serve and Standard
  16. Exact Cash/ Credit Card/ Other Payment buttons provided on cart along with new images for other buttons

May 2015:

  1. Pound and ounce rounding off issue corrected Exception log auto mail disabled (later settings will be provided to turn it ON/OFF)
  2. Void Orders to show correct tax amount.
  3. Charge Dialog to show Charge Amount at all possible places (enhancement to avoid wrong charge amount)
  4. Rounding off tax up to 4 decimal places instead of 2
  5. Fixed the issue where due to mix business type (RETAIL + Any Other (DINE IN/QS/DELIVERY).
  6. Settings provided in Management–> Configure Item to turn Item Identifier ON/OFF
  7. If Item Identifier is ‘ON’ for any item then while choosing that item from cart(Quick Service, Phone Orders) system will  prompt for entering Item Identifier
  8. Item Identifier can either be keyed in or scanned
  9. If ParkingTicketPrint=ON then it will print at PAY/SEND as earlier including Item Identifier. Item Identifier will also be printed on Bill Print and the Daily Close and Trial Close reports
  10. Cart, Unpaid Orders and Paid Orders to show Item Identifiers below item names
  11. Order time has been included in the prints
  12. Scan screen manual entry issue has been fixed
  13. History Reports to show Ticket details in line of trial close/daily close along with print and save as excel options
  14. Daily Close file to show details of Unpaid and Paid Ticket
  15. Add Tip shortcut provided on Customer Service screen in place of House Account button. This shortcut will take user to Paid Orders with Add Tip button shown by default without selecting the order itself and rest of the unwanted buttons not present.
  16. Option to add tips for Cash Orders
  17.  Add Tip auto prompt at Bill Payment screen if paid through Credit Card and Credit Card integrated is ON. Settings provided to internally enable or disable Add Tip Prompt
  18. Business Start Time and End Time provided in Daily Close Report
  19. Add Tip option added for Retail

April 2015:

  1. Reorder module: Orders can not be reordered/paid/shifted/transferred once they have been paid on other screens or tablets
  2. Instead of settling all CC orders at once, which could lead to problems when there are fluctuations in the internet connection, it has been hard coded to settle only 20 orders at a time, with a progress bar to show the progress
  3. UI changes for loyalty on customer details screen
  4. Issue Card option from Customer Details in Management for first time loyalty card users
  5. Users already issued card can opt for Change Card from management–>Customer Details
  6. Employee Card swipe log in from customer screen issue fixed where after swiping invalid card progress bar stays at 100% and no message is displayed.
  7. Now if card track is valid but not found in database, suitable message will be displayed and progress bar will  reset to 0% with auto swipe enabled again.
  8. All the Sales Analysis data in History Reports to be totaled at the end of the report. Similarly, add up the employee work hours at the end of the report.
  9. Label print item quantity consolidation
  10. Barcode cook printing disable setting for specific order type
  11. Batch Query Settings have been provided under Management–>System Settings–>Batch Query Settings
  12. Once any user goes inside batch query screen the batch query will be locked and no subsequent user will be allowed to access batch query. However, in case of genuine need, user can unlock the batch query from Management–>Settings–>Batch Query Settings screen and use the same
  13. Stop Cash Drawer turning to “NO” every time you go into Management–> System Settings –> Print –> Receipt Printing –> Properties

March 2015:

1. Kitchen Display System updated to show Orders details of the orders once been processed to be recalled.

2. Label Printing optimized for Order type Labels to be printed, instead of Delivery Only.

Feb 2015:

1. Order Hold and Recall function added for Retail Module.

May 2014:

1. Store credit copy printing shrunk to save paper.

2. Order history to have quick navigation of current and past orders

3. Color theme revamped

4. Ambient Reservations app coming out soon on Google Play and Apple App store.

5. Epic POS Lite to be launched soon on Google Play store for it to be a self running app and process payments on multiple platforms.

6. Multiple international currency rates option being added for our international clients.

7. Membership, Loyalty and Rewards programs being added and soon to be launched with no extra cost.

8. New Android hardware with Epic POS Lite being tested at beta sites and be ready for market very soon.


Stay Tuned for new exciting features been added in June 2014.


January 2014:

1. Ability to add Tips for Off-line processing and batch reconciliation reports.

2. Pre-Paid Online orders tender key added on Pickup or Takeout orders.

3. Server and Drivers cash-out reports to have Pre-paid Online details to reconcile their bank.

4. Retail Module to disallow a Cashier to cancel items if permission not allowed. Manager Over-ride required.


December 2013:

1. iOS7 Ambient POS app launched on App Store

2. Android App undergoing major changes for quicker and easy navigation.

3. Retail Module got major uplift with features added for Lotto Paid outs and Sales reporting as separate identity.

4. Allowed a feature to update/reset Customers information on secured gateway processing.

5. Pre-Paid Online ordering tender key added for delivery.

6. Updated delivery charge reports on Driver reports

7. Google maps URL updated for Mapping purposes.

8. Pizza Box Label Printing improved for efficient packaging for high volume deliveries.

9. Centralized Gift Card reporting enhanced for multi location operators,

10. Allowed over-riding Tips on Split Tender orders.

11. Cook Print made shorter and concise to save paper.

12. KDS ( Kitchen Display System) got new looks and ability to add up to 5 KDS at a time.


November 2013:

1. Track the Order details from which Tablet or Station it was started and Manager can review and Unlock if Tablet goes low on battery.

2. Login can be done without ID and Password for quick and fast entry and Logout at exit.

3. Social Media links provided on the Tablet when Customer credit card is swiped.

4. Customer can leave feedback instantly on the table, which is emailed to Management for analysis.

5. Colour Theme and backgrounds has been changed for better looks and elegance.

6. Support for Serial Printers added for Print jobs from the AST Vigore POS.

7. World Pay gateway been added to the certified list of processors.

8. Tablet Sized Genie POS an All in One with built in Printer is launched at Little Caesars Pizza on November 27th 2013


October 2013:

1: Added house account as a payment option to split tender

2: Allowed to update a change to automatic gratuity percentage.

3: Split paid orders to display only the current logged in orders

4:  Tablet Home screen to have unpaid and paid order view button.

5: Have added Tip label to orders tabs at the paid order screen.

6: Table service order tabs with tips added showed in different color.

7: Improved flow for split paid orders from paid order view screen.

8: Now have the ability to add a name to a table order.

9: Simplified flow of Dine in orders.

10: Now have the ability to separate cash and credit orders at paid orders screen.

11: Added a credit card order/sales summary from paid orders.

12: Added time stamp on cook print ticket at reorder to print reorder time not original order time.

13: Gratuity totals added to payroll til date report

14: Employees breaks will automatically be ended at the Closing.

15: Ability to disable batch closing at daily close added for multi unit operators using same batch

16: Ability for items set to multiple cook screens (KDS).

17: Lock on table when multiple devices try to access the same table at the same time

18: Management ability to open locked tables added.

19: Penny rounding updated when adding tip.

20: Split order by items at the ordering screen function added.

21: Drop downs added to Employee hours report for easier navigation.

October 2012:

  • Auto email of VOIDS, Cash Drawer summary reports, Daily Close report
  • Single key login feature added for quick Bar Mode

Please take a moment to go over the changes to see if any of these added features might help your business operations.

Contact us to schedule an appointment for updating.

Phone: 888-975-1118
Direct Phone: 925-417-0762

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